Automobile Injury

If you or someone close to you has been in an automobile accident and is experiencing pain call us as soon as possible. Often pain will not precipitate until after a day or so after an accident and we dismiss the incident as a "minor fender-bender", when a serious injury has actually been sustained. To better clarify, according to the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) a 10 mph rear end collision can produce a comparable force to dropping a 200 lbs. bag of cement from a 5 story balcony. Don't wait for something to hurt! Always get checked out by a medical and a chiropractic physician immediately.
It can be very confusing how the insurance system works regarding automobile injuries; we try to make it as easy as possible. We will take care of all the paperwork and explain how the insurance coverage works. This way you can concentrate on feeling better and not worry about coverage. If you are in an automobile accident, make sure you contact a healthcare facility as soon as possible. If you have any questions regarding an automobile accident please contact us at (859) 581-1010.
It can be very confusing how the insurance system works regarding automobile injuries; we try to make it as easy as possible. We will take care of all the paperwork and explain how the insurance coverage works. This way you can concentrate on feeling better and not worry about coverage. If you are in an automobile accident, make sure you contact a healthcare facility as soon as possible. If you have any questions regarding an automobile accident please contact us at (859) 581-1010.